Monday, May 16, 2011

Addiction Webquest

Based on the information you explored throughout the webquest, tell us your plan about how you feel you can best support your friend. You must include references to at least 4 things learned while on this webquest. You must also comment on at least 2 others’ initial posts.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Drug/Alcohol Quiz and Games

Reflect on how you performed on each of the 3 assessments: the quiz, then the 2 games.

Need Ideas?
-What scores did you get/ how did you do?
-Did you think these assessments were challenging or easy?
-Why do you think you have this current knowledge level about drugs and alcohol?
-What topics do you know well and not know so well?
-What topics are you curious to learn more about?
4 sentences minimum and please sign with you initials!